I'm Nick, the founder and creative director here at Hurts.
I'm a poet, a writer, a designer, a loner and a pilgrim.
My favorite thing to do when the sun is out is to grab a notebook, a novel and a pen, and wander around the harbour, reading and writing all day long.

Justus is my best friend and I love him very much. If you knew him, I'm sure you would, too.
He is a gifted melancholic artist, photographer and painter, and he has the greatest playlists on Spotify.

Zeno is a talented cinematographer and music-producer. He has directed, shot and edited both the Hurts vibe-Videos for our spring collection and the Aesthetics drop single-handedly.
When he isn't working on one of his many projects, he can most-certainly be found in our favorite spot on Steindamm enjoying an afghan tandoori or flatbread.